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CFOR Exploit - Recovering Deleted and Private Github Commits

MyBB Admin Panel RCE CVE-2023-41362

PHPInfo Exposure in MyPrestaModules Modules CVE-2023-39677

SQLi in SimpleImportProduct Prestashop Module CVE-2023-39675

XSS in FieldPopupNewsletter Prestashop Module CVE-2023-39676

SQLi in XIPBlog Prestashop Module CVE-2023-27847

HigherLogic Community RCE Vulnerability

Auth Bypass in ADOdb CVE-2021-3850

Proof of Concept for CVE-2021-38314 (Redux Framework)

SQLi in SmartBlog CVE-2021-37538

SQLi in ph_simpleblog CVE-2021-36748

Adminer - A Guide For All its Vulnerabilities

The Time I tried to get a Bounty from Binance

Exposed .git Folder and How To Remediate it